Welcome to DDC-TV, the German television station for the USA.

Beginning January 1, 2005 you can find us at our new office:
4404 Westlawn Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
tel +1-310-915 90 47
fax +1-310-391 4217

As you may already know, the United States government has announced drastic cuts to funding for private radio and television stations.
Unfortunately, DDC has been hit hard by this decision. As a result, the broadcast of our new series of reportages from Germany has been delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are working hard with our partners from the private cable networks to find a solution to the problem. Meanwhile, our reporters in Germany and Europe are hard at work on a new series of interesting films for your viewing pleasure.

We hope to be able to broadcast them in October 2006.
Please check your television listings for exact times.